Hi All, Well thanks to William I have started this Blog. Blog stands for weB LOG. It's basically an online Journal. This one allows me to make updates using email. So I don't even need access to the internet just my Japanese mobile phone and wala, updates from anywhere in Japan. Neat Ha? Thanks again Will for the address of this service. I owe you a big one. Ok, I have a little bit of news. I'm in the process of changing my flights around so that I can spend a few days in Malaysia, Singapore and if I have the time and the money I might to Indonesia to visit Gogo. But nothing is firm as of yet. And I plan to fly to Sydney when I come back and not Melbourne as originally planned. I'm going there to meet up with Anna. I've been spending so much money lately, but it's because I'm getting ready to leave Nagoya and actually travel through Japan. The only worry at this stage is that I might run out of money before the end of my trip. But at the moment I've budgeted approximately AU$160 per day for everything including transport. I hope that's enough. I've got a few backup plans... Fish net stockings and a few school girl uniforms and such... heheheh... Perhaps not. But I've got my credit card and AU$1000 in cash for emergencies. I should be OK... I've given up on going to Mt.Fuji as I just don't have the time. I will have to conquer that bump in the earth on my next trip. And I plan to go to Hiroshima in my break from the job in Shikoku. I hope 2 days are enough to explore Hiroshima. Well that's about it for now. I hope you are all taking care of yourselves...
Hey Chan, great to see you getting this blog up! Cool!
Look forward to seeing you post more!
Oh, and if people want to still get email notification when you make an update. Get them to sign up here...
Basically what happens if you publish a new entry, which updates two files. 1) Your blog html page, 2) your Atom.xml file.
The botablog.com site checks every few minutes for an update to your blogs' atom.xml file. And if an update is found, it gets pushed out via email to those who subscribe to it. It's a really "neat" content publication tool this blogging.
Yeah, have fun, take lots of pictures!
Thanks Will
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